Welcome to the High-energy AstroParticle Physics Journal Club (HAPPJ)!

Current Schedule of Speakers

Mar, 6Luis-EnriqueThe cosmic-ray sea explains the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray and neutrino emission from GeV to PeVarXiv
Mar, 27EmanueleTBA 
Apr, 3CarmeloInference of the Mass Composition of Cosmic Rays with energies from $10^{18.5}$ to $10^{20}$ eV using the PAO and Deep LearningarXiv

Past Schedule of Speakers

Feb, 16CarmeloA Peters cycle at the end of the cosmic ray spectrum?arXiv
  Curious case of the maximum rigidity distribution of cosmic-ray acceleratorsarXiv
Feb, 29Antonio IConstraints on the proton fraction of cosmic rays at the highest energies (…)arXiv
  Floor of cosmogenic neutrino fluxes above 1017 eVarXiv
Mar, 7LucianaAn extremely energetic cosmic ray observed by a surface detector arrayarXiv
  Where Did the Amaterasu Particle Come From?arXiv
Mar, 21Lioni-MoanaOn the TeV Halo Fraction in gamma-ray bright Pulsar Wind NebulaearXiv
Apr, 4AlessandroImpact of the finite life-time of UHECR sourcesarXiv
May, 2AlessandroProgresses on my PhD project 
May, 9LucianaUHECR Echoes from the Council of GiantsarXiv
May, 16IuriiAcceleration of cosmic rays in SuperNova Remnants 
Sep, 12IgorReconstructing Mass Composition with Template Approach and Dembinsky Likelihood 
Sep, 19Lioni-MoanaOn statistical properties of TeV halo galactic population 
 AlessandroExcitation of the non-resonant streaming instability around sources of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays 
Oct, 10EmanueleRésumé du MIAPPlink
Oct, 24Luis-EnriqueEnergy dependence of the knee in the cosmic ray spectrum across the Milky WayarXiv
Oct, 31Antonio IConstraints on metastable superheavy dark matter coupled to sterile neutrinos with the Pierre Auger ObservatoryarXiv
Nov, 7IgorResolution of (Heavy) Primaries in Ultra High Energy Cosmic RaysarXiv slides
Nov, 28CarmeloGimme a break!slides
Dec, 5VittoriaInterpreting the LHAASO Galactic diffuse emission dataarXiv
 BenediktMicroquasars as sources of PeV CRs 
Jan, 23Antonio IIHi! 👋 Who am I? 
Feb, 6IgorA Unified Model of Cosmic Ray Propagation and Radio Extreme Scattering Events from Intermittent Interstellar StructuresarXiv
Feb, 13LucianaNuclear and electromagnetic cascades induced by UHECRs in radio galaxies: implications for Centaurus AarXiv
Feb, 21Antonio IOn the potential cosmogenic origin of the ultra-high-energy event KM3-230213AarXiv
Feb, 27AlessandroKM3-230213A: An Ultra-High Energy Neutrino from a Year-Long Astrophysical TransientarXiv
  The blazar PKS 0605-085 as the origin of the KM3-230213A ultra high energy neutrino eventarXiv